【同义词辨析】 2017-04-24 起源spring-stem

spring: implies a rapid or sudden emergence: a brilliant idea that had ~ out of nowhere.

arise: may convey the fact of coming into existence or notice often with no suggestion of prior state: a vicious rumor ~; or may imply causation: mistakes often ~ from haste.

rise: sometimes interchangeable with arise, distinctively stresses gradual growth or ascent: as time passed, legends about the horse ~.

originate: implies a definite source or starting point: the theory didn’t ~ with Darwin.

derive: implies a prior existence in another form: their system of justice ~ from British colonial law.

flow: adds to spring a suggestion of abundance or ease of inception: the belief that all good ~ from God.

issue: suggests an emerging from confinement or from a receptacle: shouts of joy ~ from the team’s locker room.

emanate: applies to the passage of something immaterial such as a principle or thought but carries little suggestion of a causal force: serenity ~ from her.

proceed: stresses place of origin, derivation, parentage or logical cause: bitterness that ~ from an unhappy marriage.

stem: implies an originating by dividing or branching off from something as an outgrowth or subordinate development: a whole new industry ~ from the discovery.

spring: 表示突然快速的从出现,arise: 出现,可指明起因或不指明,rise: 表示逐渐成长上升,originate起源: 表示起源出发,derive起源派生: 之前以另一形式存在,flow: 不但迅速(spring)而且大量,issue发出: 从有限的地方容器中发出,emanate散发: 指发出无形的东西,不涉及起因,proceed来自: 强调起源派生生育起因的地方,stem:通过分裂或分枝发展形成(outgrowth,development)

记忆方法: 1)首字母SAROD FIEPS重排成IF SEAPRODS如果大海催促(prod马刺让马加速) ==>物种起源于大海

  2)起源的意思是以某物作为起点meanto come up or out of something into existence.